Healing Crisis : Kenapa makan Shaklee tambah sakit?

Kenapa makan Shaklee tambah sakit? Sakit lutut tambah sakit? Sakit lama datang kembali. Nak cergas tambah penat? Kenapa? Tak sesuaikah? Tak best langsung ! Tak menjadi !! Shaklee Tak BEST ! Betul ka?? 


Ini namanya healing Crisis. Proses pemulihan, proses penyembuhan.. Di mana sebelum fasa cergas dan sihat muncul, badan sedang bekerja keras membuang sakit dan toksin lama. Oleh kerana sakit sudah lama bertapak tanpa kita sedari, badan perlukan masa untuk menyingkirkan. Akibatnya badan akan rasa lebih sakit pada peringkat awal. Penyelesaiannya ialah teruskan supplemen shaklee dan minum air kosong banyak. Supaya proses penyingkiran sakit lebih mudah, lancar dan cepat berakhir. Selepas itu, badan yang lebih sihat akan dapat dirasai!

Percaya tak ada orang yang ada fibroid tak tahu dia sedang ada fibroid sehinggakan dia ambil GLA?

Percaya tak ada yang ayahnya yang sedang sakit jantung berlubang, injap dah blok tapi ingat ayahnya hanya ada gout. Hanya sedar bila kakinya bengkak teruk lepas ambil vivix!

Semasa healing crisis berlaku, kadang sakit yang dok menyorok lama, yang kita ingat sakit biasa2 ja, akan lebih jelas sebab supplemen baru tengah FIGHTING  dengan penyakit2 ni!!!

Kalau tak percaya sila search "Healing Crisis" untuk mencari definasi sebenar. Healing crisis sering berlaku bila kita amalkan makanan tambahan semulajadi aka vitamin & herba semulajadi. Ubat  kenapa tidak rasa begini? Kebanyakkan ubat bersifat menghilangkan rasa sakit bukan memerangai punca akar umbi. Bila kita jumpa doktor, kita dalam keadaan sakit dan doktor akan bantu menghilangkan rasa sakit sesegera yang mungkin.

Bila pesakit yang ada kanser & perlu menjalani kemoterapi. Kemoterapi ingin membunuh sel kanser iaitu punca kanser. Sakit tak kemoterapi? Sakitkan! Begitulah, kalau nak mencari PUNCA, memang akan menyakitkan. Seperti juga proses HEALING CRISIS yang mencari punca bukan cuma menghilangkan rasa sakit tanpa mencari punca. Namun, HEALING CRISIS akibat Shaklee akan bawa pada rasa lebih sihat, cergas & cantik !!! Berbaloi ! 

Saya nak kongsi juga info healing crisis ini untuk buat kita lebih faham, tenang dan sabar menghadapinya. 

Since most people base their health on how good they feel, they may think the natural health program they are using is hurting them when a healing crisis takes place. But nothing could be further from the truth.

A healing crisis, or healing reaction, is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs when the body is going through the process of healing itself through the elimination of toxins. It occurs when the body “retraces” old injuries, wounds, infections or other imbalances from its past.

A healing crisis has many different names. Some of these include: healing reactions, flare-ups, retracing reactions, detox reactions, Herxheimer reactions, Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions, die-off reactions, the reversal process, Lucio’s Phenomena, purification reactions or a crisis.

A Healing Crisis is a Welcome Part of a Natural Healing Regimen

A healing crisis is an important aspect of an effective natural, deep healing process. Even though the crisis is uncomfortable and sometimes alarming in nature, a healing crisis is a good sign that the body is working to heal itself. If a particular therapy does not produce a healing crisis, an alternate therapy may be required to accomplish the detoxification necessary to overcome illness and disease.

Symptoms of a Healing Crisis

The symptoms that accompany a healing crisis may include: headache, flushing, skin eruptions and/or boils, fever, nausea, joint pains, feelings of being spaced out, unusual fatigue, insomnia, sleepiness, congestion, strong emotions, depression, irritability, muscle cramps, aches and pains, constipation, diarrhea, hot/cold flashes, night sweats and many other symptoms which are often cold and/or flu-like. A healing crisis will often bring up past issues, “retracing”, that have been dormant in your body for a long time … past illnesses and disease may re-manifest as the body eliminates the toxins that have been stored from those disease processes. Symptoms can be quite intense when the healing crisis is dealing with serious past illnesses and disease such as an old case of hepatitis, shingles, viral infections or pneumonia.

The symptoms and pain of the healing crisis are often more intense than the disease or illness that is being treated. Remember, it is only temporary. And it is the path to renewed health.

A healing crisis usually lasts two to three days, but can extend for much longer periods of time, even weeks. More than one healing crisis may be necessary for a complete cure to take place. When dealing with a more serious illness or disease, such as cancer, you may have to go through many healing crises before full health can be restored.

What Causes a Healing Crisis? 

The stage is set for a healing crisis when the body is overloaded with toxins that have been trapped within its tissues for a long period of time – sometimes for many decades. As a general rule, the more toxic the body is, the more intense the healing crisis will be. As healing begins, many systems in the body work together to eliminate waste products and toxins and can become overwhelmed by the process. Remember, these symptoms are temporary, and once they pass, the body is healthier and stronger.

A healing crisis is generally initiated by some type of cleanse or detox process, such as a dietary change (cultured foods high in probiotics, coconut products), supplements (B12, probiotics, herbs), a detoxifying treatment or therapy (chiropractic care, ozone treatments/therapy, rife treatments/therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, psychotherapy) or a period of fasting. It occurs when the cells within the body release toxins and impurities faster than the body’s elimination systems (skin, liver, bladder, kidneys and lungs) are able to process them.

A healing crisis can also be produced by a treatment or therapy that causes yeast, viruses, bacteria, cancer, etc. to have massive die-offs. The dead cells can overwhelm the elimination processes as they are expelled from the body.

If the symptoms become extreme, a wise course of action could entail slowing down the detoxification process allowing the body time to catch up.

There are also ways to assist the body during a healing reaction. These can include: drinking plenty of fluids especially water to help carry off the toxins and getting plenty of rest – mentally, physically and emotionally.

In summary: Healing crises are good even though they make you feel bad. They are an sign that the healing process chosen is working by eliminating the body of toxins, impurities and imbalances in the body. The healing crisis lets you know that you are on the right path to renewed health and vigor. “No pain, no gain” is truly applicable when talking about a healing crisis.

Sumber: Understanding the Healing Crisis by Ginger Chalford, Ph.DRetracing, Healing Reactions, Purification Reactions or Flare-Ups by Lawrence Wilson, MDAre you experiencing a healing crisis? by Dr. David JockersWhat is a Healing Crisis?

Jelas? Selalu cakap melayu tak berapa masyuk! Tempek BI, baru nak percaya! Harap yang tak clear, lebih jelas dan tenang! Yang penting, saya doakan kita semua bertambah sihat supaya dapat beribadah, beramal dan bekerja dengan lebih baik!

Ida Khairani

013 488 2382

ida ahmad

About ida ahmad

Ibu kepada 3 anak ini adalah 'working from home mom' dan blogger yg sudah lama menggunakan blog sebagai medium utk berbisnes sejak 2007. Beliau positif utk memberi yg terbaik buat keluarga, masyarakat dan agama sebagai saham akhirat.