Shaklee works wonders even for SAHM



Something came in the mail yesterday and I am excited. My order of Shaklee (Set B Full Set) that I ordered recently has arrived. It is what I have been waiting for, thus the excitement. Why? Because this product simply works and it works for me!

Don't get me wrong, I am not Shaklee's independent distributor and I don't even have a membership ID with this MLM company. But I have been using this product for a few months now and I just want to share my thoughts on this.

I have to admit, it is not easy being a SAHM caring for 3 kids and at the same time having to do everything else all on your own. Juggling it all can be very tiring and most days you feel like you are running out of steam. Most of the time you have no energy to keep up with the rest. I trust that many mothers regardless whether you are a working mom or stay at home mom, can identify and relate on this fact alone.

So I decided to find a remedy. Mind you, finding the remedy that works does not come easy for me because I don't like to try new products. And there are tons of new products out there to choose from. But I stumble upon Shaklee after reading about it in cyberspace. And I said to myself, why not give it a try. Plus, they have a tp that I can buy to see whether the vitamins would suit me or otherwise.

All these while, I have been big fan of taking vitamin supplements for health although previously, I don't take it as regularly as now. During my 3rd trimester, I have been reading a lot on Shaklee and the more I read, the more it pulls me to give it a try.

My first tp was for pregnant mothers. Once that was done, I bought Shaklee's confinement set to use after my delivery. I noticed by taking the supplements regularly, it helps me to maintain good energy throughout the day. It makes my body feel much better than before and it also improves my mood (although I did have episodes of baby blues at the beginning of confinement but now it is gone, thank God!). In terms of my overall health, I feel good! Excellent.

The supplements also helps in my effort to breastfeed Azra which has been smooth sailing so far. I can see the difference. I am proud to say that I am able to store more EBM for Azra versus during the time when Auni and Aila were babies. Syukur sangat.....

In a nutshell, I am just glad that I finally found something that works for me. Cause trust me, I really need the extra energy. Plus, I swear off drinking coffee for a while now, so where else am I going to get the extra boost of energy if not by taking supplements, eh??

She definitely right. Shaklee works wonders for me as well and I'm a WAHM with 2 little kids at home.

Inspiring with the story? Having the same problem? Excited to try? Let's try it first and know the different.

ida ahmad

About ida ahmad

Ibu kepada 3 anak ini adalah 'working from home mom' dan blogger yg sudah lama menggunakan blog sebagai medium utk berbisnes sejak 2007. Beliau positif utk memberi yg terbaik buat keluarga, masyarakat dan agama sebagai saham akhirat.