Untuk subur, hamil dan selamat melahirkan bayi dengan sempurna, tahap kesihatan suami isteri memainkan peranan penting. Vitamin dalam pemakanan harian juga menyumbang pada kesuburan suami isteri.Vitamin meningkatkan immunity atau ketahanan badan untuk melawan penyakit dan menangkis serangan berbagai jeniis kuman yang merbahaya. Sperma, ovum yang sihat dan persekitaran untuk pertumbuhan bayi yang baik dapat ditingkatkan dengan pengambilan vitamin dan ini memainkan peranan besar dalam keupayaan untuk mendapatkan zuriat.
Vitamin bertindak untuk mempertahan keutuhan sel-sel dan serta mencegah kerosakkan. Terdapat banyak jenis vitamin seperti A, B ( B1 - 12), C , D. E, K dan setengah vitamin penting bagi fungsi organ yang khusus saperti Vit A adalah penting bagi kesihatan mata dan penglihatan. B6 dan B12 penting bagi sistem urat saraf. Apakah vitamin2 dan logam2 yang penting bagi sel2 benih dan peranakan?
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Vitamin dan Mineral untuk meningkatkan kesuburan
Vitamin C and Fertility:
According to a study conducted at the University of Texas Medical School at Galveston, insufficient amounts of vitamin C in a man’s diet can lead to agglutination of sperm. Agglutination occurs when sperm cells clump together, thus inhibiting maximal progression or movement of the sperm. According to Dr. Earl Dawson M.D., Ph.D., associate professor at the U of Texas at Galveston, vitamin C is also helpful in smokers who have increased amounts of abnormally formed sperm.
Cigarette smoke is absorbed through the lungs and enters the circulatory system (bloodstream). Once the toxins reach the bloodstream they find their way to the semen and this can lead to less than optimal sperm count and function. It is believed that vitamin C helps to neutralize the toxic effects of cigarette smoke on the sperm. When sperm stick together (a condition called agglutination), fertility is reduced. Vitamin C reduces sperm agglutination,(3) increasing the fertility of men with this condition. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is 60 milligams per day for an adult male. According to Dr. Dawson intake of 200 to 1000 milligrams per day had a beneficial effect on sperm.
Women should avoid megadoses of vitamin C because it can dry up cervical fluid, preventing sperm from reaching the egg. Limit the amount you take to the dose included in your prenatal vitamin.
Menurut kajian, jika lelaki kekurangan vitamin C yang ketara, sperma yang dihasilkan boleh jadi melekat antara satu sama lain. Jika ini berlaku, kelancaran pergerakan sperma ternyata terbatas.
Jika suami seorang perokok pula, kemungkinan besar sperma yang abnormal akan terbentuk. Ini ternyata kesan buruk akibat radikal bebas yang berpunca dari asap merokok yang tinggi toksin. Pengambilan vitamin C yang mencukupi adalah usaha untuk mengembalikan sel abnormal pada normal.
Asap rokok bukan saja mencacatkan sel sperma, malah menurunkan jumlah dan fungsi sperma. RDA untuk vitamin C adalah 60mg sehari dan ini sangatlah minima. Untuk memberi kesan baik pada lelaki seterusnya faedah pada sel sperma, cuba ambil 200 ke 1000mg sehari. Vitamin C Shaklee, mengandungi 500 mg ascobic asid dan ditingkatkan dengan 120 mg bioflavonoid untuk lebih penyerapan dan antioksida untuk membantu melawan radikal bebas ini !
Untuk wanita, jangan overdose. Upper toleransi iaitu tahap maksima untuk wanita adalah 2000mg. 1 biji Vitamin C Shaklee adalah sangat sesuai untuk usaha ke arah kesuburan. Vitamin C yang diambil oleh wanita pada dos yang sangat tinggi boleh bawa pada kekeringan cecair vagina. Nanti susah pula, sperma hendak berenang-renang. Ada faham? :D
Vitamin E and Fertility:
Vitamin E Essential for fertility and reproduction. Deficiency in rats has shown that it leads to absorption in the female and loss of fertility on the male. This potent antioxidant plays important roles in male sperm production. It is known that a lack of vitamin E inhibits the formation of sperm. Low vitamin E levels can cause a decline in the formation of key sex hormones and enzymes responsible for sperm production.. Although potency is not affected, fertility is improved due to its protective effect on sperm cell membranes. Supplementation with Vitamin E may also aid in improving sperm motility. Dose: 400 IU daily. Talk to your doctor prior to starting Vitamin E, particularly if you are currently taking aspirin or other blood thinners.
A study conducted at the University of Padua in Italy and published in the Journal Science states that a diet low in selenium could be a cause of male infertility. Selenium acts to help prevent oxidation of the sperm cell, thus aiding in maintaining sperm cell integrity. Good sources of selenium can be found in red meat, liver, brazil nuts, almond and seafood. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for selenium is 70 micrograms/day for an adult male.
This mineral is involved in over 200 proteins and enzymes and is essential for male fertility. Zinc is involved in the activation of key sperm enzymes, and moves into the prostate with the assistance of testosterone. A lack of zinc causes a lowering of testosterone, shrinks testicle size and produces misshapen and less healthy sperm, among other negatives. Upon restoring a daily dose of 15 milligrams, testosterone and sperm count levels rebounded to acceptable levels within 12 months. Take zinc with a full glass of water.
Herbs for Fertility
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh is used primarily for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh, a phytoestrogen, is the most promising herbal remedy to treat mood swings, hot flashes and vaginal dryness associated with menopause. Phytoestrogens are non-steroidal, plant-derived substances that bind or activate estrogen receptors in various areas of the body. In post-menopausal women, phytoestrogens typically act as weak estrogens.
An improvement in overall menopausal symptoms, reduction in hot flashes and stimulation of vaginal changes were observed in a series of clinical studies in more than 800 women. Few or no toxic effects were observed.
Evening Primrose Oil:
Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) lowers cholesterol, helps to alleviate pms and most importantly here, aids in the production of fertile quality cervical fluid. EPO is an essential fatty acid that contains gamma linolenic acid (GLA). It is converted to a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin E1 which has anti-inflammatory properties and may also act as a blood thinner and blood vessel dilator. The anti-inflammatory properties help people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. We want to discuss the effects EPO has on pms and cervical fluid.
If you suffer from pms - this is a sign that you are deficient in the fatty acid contained in EPO. EPO can help the body to alleviate the pms symptoms. EPO does a world of good in treating aliments of all sorts.
EPO helps the body to produce more fertile quality cervical fluid also known as "egg white cervical mucus." This is because fertile cervical fluid is thin, watery, clear and "stretchy" and easily aids the sperm to swim through the uterus and into the fallopian tube, and to the egg. If there is a lack in this type of cervical fluid, it can impede and/or prevent fertilization. Some women are very dry, and have problems in producing an adequate amount of fertile quality cervical fluid. Drinking a lot of water and taking the EPO can certainly help in the production of fertile cervical fluid. Also, this type of fluid helps the sperm to stay alive for up to five days inside the fallopian tube, thus enabling conception to happen even if you don't have intercourse again by the time ovulation occurs.
EPO should only be taken from menstruation to ovulation. This is because EPO can cause uterine contractions in pregnancy. The dosage taken should be 1500mg to 3000mg per day. I usually took around 2000 mg of EPO. Since essential fatty acids are necessary, you can take flax seed oil in place of EPO after ovulation. This may be taken throughout pregnancy. Check the label to see the correct dosage.
There are many remedies out there to help with fertility, but few are as good as EPO. EPO is excellent for women because of the help it gives in alleviating pms symptoms, and even menopausal women can benefit from taking it. I have heard of many praises to EPO and the fact that it definitely increases the fertile type cervical fluid. This may take a month or two to build up, and produce the results you are looking for. It is imperative that you chart your fertility symptoms and signs, so you can know when you have ovulated. By knowing this information, you can discontinue the EPO after ovulation and start the flax seed oil. Unless you are very regular, charting your fertility signs is the best tool to determine where you are in your cycle.
Ida Khairani Ahmad